Monday, 6 August 2007

(K)night 1 complete

It doesn’t seem like I’ll have any time to practise my skills during the daytime, as I work full time from 8-6 six days a week, so it’s 1 night gone, 154 nights left. According to my calculations, I should finish on Jan 5, during my holidays, so I’ll have plenty of time to work on Circles 5-7.

Impressions of my first night? (I wonder how many people with too much time, among other things, on their hands, will google the term “my first night” and come to this blog :) Anyway, took me 57 min to finish my first Concentric Square Exercise. When I first read about the drills, I was a bit intimidated, but I actually enjoyed it. Only thing that worried me was that my first night nerves may have led to missed opportunities. Therefore I have decided to post my solutions, perhaps someday someone may wish to match the results with his own. Also, it would help to see if I missed out on anything. Only the “Rook Solutions” today.

Rf3 : Qa8, Qb7

Rf7 : Qa2, Qb3

Rb7 : Qg2, Qf3

Rb3 : Qg8, Qf7

Rc2 : Qd1, Qd3, Qb3, Qf5

Rd2 : Qd8, Qd7, Qa5, Qg5

Re2 : Qd3, Qb5, Qd1

Rg2 : Qa8, Qb7, Qh8

Rg4 : Qh5, Qf5, Qd7

Rg5 : Qa5, Qb5, Qd2, Qd8

Rg6 : Qf5, Qd3, Qh5

Rg8 : Qa2, Qb3, Qf7

Re8 : Qd7, Qb5

Rd8 : Qd1, Qd2, Qd3, Qa5, Qg5

Rc8 : Qd7, Qf5

Ra8 : Qb7, Qh8, Qg7, Qf6

Ra6 : Qb5, Qd3

Ra5 : Qd8, Qd2, Qf5, Qg5, Qh5

Ra4 : Qd7

Ra2 : Qb3, Qf7, Qg8

Coming up tomorrow : “Bishop Solutions”

Or perhaps I should spend less time posting gibberish on my blog and practise more tactics. I wonder how this’ll all end.

I've just noticed that the solutions to the drills already appear on Rise and Shine Knight's Blog. Looks like he's done an excellent job there, I've already noticed two mistakes on mine.


1 Day of Chess Vision Drills Completed

154 Days Left

Approximate Time Spent So Far on the Quest : 1 hour.


takchess said...

Welcome. It is fun to read those old post and see the challenges over a long period of time.

Good luck,

Anonymous said...

I have found these solutions to the Concentric Square exercises, posted by The Rise and Shine Knight, to be very helpful in knowing that I was doing them correctly.

Blue Devil Knight said...

A good thing to worry about: getting more involved in blogging, wasting time that could have been used studying. I should have a rule: a 10:1 ratio of time spend on chess improvement to time spent blogging!